Accelerated Teaching

Professional Development Workshops

Accelerated Teaching Workshop Topics

1). Brain Matters: The Essential Guide to Brain-Based Learning

For educators, parents and other child-serving professionals who want to optimize the learning performance of their students, children and youth; this is the place to start. If you are interested in how the brain learns and excited about the potential of neuroscience for accelerating this learning process, this topic effectively translates brain science into tools you can use immediately.

You’ll learn the anatomy of the brain and the structures that most heavily influence human learning. You’ll recognize teaching methods that support this learning process and be equipped to identify teaching techniques that inhibit the brain’s natural ability to learn. This topic provides more than 50 low-cost and no-cost strategies to enhance learning, increase problem-solving ability, boost motivation and expand information retention. Not only will you be empowered to help kids learn better, but you’ll also accelerate your own learning ability!

2). The New IQ?: Understanding and Explicity Teaching Executive Function Skills

Teaching young minds to assess, plan, execute and reflect—clearly and efficiently—is a universal goal of parents and teachers alike. Skills such as planning, organizing, focusing, follow-through and impulse control are vital for success in today’s globally-competitive environment.

These skills are critical to academic, vocational and relationship success at every age. Most important, the development of these skills allows youth to mature into independent, healthy and functional adults.

Despite the importance of these executive function skills, these essential skills are not systemically taught at home or in schools and are not the focus of most school curriculums. Rather, schools emphasize the content or the “what” of learning. Executive function skills are the “how” of learning. When a student has poor or underdeveloped executive function skills, they can appear disorganized, unprepared and unmotivated. By providing explicit instruction in executive function processes, parents and teachers can significantly elevate the thinking abilities in their children and students, build learning confidence and substantially strengthen resilience.

In this experience, you’ll learn what constitutes an executive function skill and where these thinking processes happen in the brain. Next, we identify the Top 7 Skills for School and Life Success and provide parents and teachers practical tools for assessing executive function abilities in their children and students. The third phase of the workshop introduces exercises and techniques to directly teach the Top 7 Skills to children and youth using innovative, highly accelerated methods. These methods are based on the very latest neuroscience and will arm you with the knowledge and skills that can truly transform the children and youth you work with. Packed with practical, applicable tools, you’ll leave the seminar equipped to immediately build better brains! Research has demonstrated that strength in executive function skills is more important to academic success than IQ.

Students with solid executive function abilities are happier, more resilient and independent, use time wisely, possess excellent social skills, are effective problem solvers, and are more self-aware and socially attuned. More than any other education adults can provide, teaching youth executive function skills places them on the most direct path to success and happiness. Kros Leaning Group guarantees you’ll be a better teacher, counselor, mentor, parent and grandparent by participating in this workshop. You will have a clear, concise and effective roadmap for helping youth achieve human greatness!

3). Conquering Boredom, Apathy and Indifference in the Classroom: Strategies to Engage, Excite and Motivate Your Students

Do you have students who appear to have no interest in their own education? Do they appear dull and listless in class? Are teacher’s frustrated with how to reach these students and break through the apathy? Today’s student brains are different than those in past generations. Raised on technology, socially connected via multi-media, and with an entertainment orientation toward learning, these brains are easily bored by traditional lecture-based learning. They present in the classroom as unmotivated, apathetic and indifferent to their educational career. But you can conquer the curse of boredom and transform them from “passive to passionate” with the strategies taught in this workshop.

Kros Learning Group will show you how to engage students in every lesson, no matter what the content. You’ll learn the tools for putting students in charge of their own learning and turning their motivation level “upside down.” Most important, you’ll get the skills to put fun and excitement into your lessons without “losing control” of your classroom and you will dramatically increase student retention while you are doing it. You’ll love how your students respond to these strategies!

4). Right From the Start: Building Great Brains from Birth to Age Five

There is no better time to invest in building really extraordinary brains than in the first few years of life. Neuroscience is overflowing with fresh insights and valuable information on nurturing and educating young brains. From birth to age five, the brain has very specific emotional, physical, nutritional and intellectual needs. When these needs are adequately met, brains flourish and resilience is strong. When these needs are not met, highly predictable consequences result that require targeted and skilled interventions.

There is a great deal of myth and countless opinions on what infants and toddlers need for optimal development. This research-based topic exposes many myths and offers scientifically-backed support for practices that lead to robust, resilient young brains. Learn how to build the foundation for a healthy, happy brain. Discover how to help brains struggling to achieve a positive developmental start. Know how to identify a quality early education program. Apply the five key skills for emotional and cognitive health. Build your expertise on the infant and toddler brain and make a deeper difference in your children’s lives!

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